Oklahoma! : THE summer musical

If you enjoy watching manly cowboys dancing you will absolutely LOVE Oklahoma! : the 100% western musical.

Since 1943 Oklahoma! is THE American Far West musical coming straight from Broadway. The songs have become really famous, such as Oh What A Beautiful Morning or I Cain't Say No. The story? A charming cowboy and an independent farm girl playing cat and mouse in dry Oklahoma, frustrated by jealousy and conventions.

This year a Scottish producer took the challenge to revisit the musical and the result is pretty amazing!!

We love: the cast, the super modern choreography like the mythical haystacks dance, and the set which sends us right to America of the early 20th century.

Our favourite character: the mean guy, rejected by all of his friends, who enjoys collecting porn cards to give a little bit of sense to his life. This musical is really not like the ones we are used to see: we loved the psychological aspect and of course adored listening to charismatic Nic Greenshields.

Good vibes, amazing songs: the recipe for a perfect summer musical.

Bristol from July 14th to July 18th, Sheffield from July 21st to August 1st and High Wycombe from August 4th to August 8th.

Bookings : BristolSheffield and High Wycombe.

More info on : www.oklahomatour.co.uk.

The week of Do It

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